[6pack] Popping out of 3rd on decel

Robert Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Mon Jan 7 10:05:10 MST 2008


popping out of gear means somethings out of spec. I'd look at the detent 
springs in the synchro hub (although the car would probably pop out of 4th 
too) and then the clearances in the 'box starting with the layshaft thrust 
washers. Last, I'd check the 2nd/3rd clearances.

But the first first step would be to drain the fluid and see what's up. 
Stuff in the fluid will always tell you what's up:

goldish metalflakes == BRASS/BRONZE which is the synchros or the mainshaft 
bushings (early trannies only, aka before CF12500 (in theory... I've seen 
post CF12500 cars with original gear boxes with brass mainshaft 

silver-ish / grey metalflakes == STEEL (use a magnet). this is the 
synchohubs and the "adjusting washers" for the 2nd/3rd end-float or 
ALUMINUM which is the case (which can be real bad!).

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
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