[6pack] coughing and burping

John Summers rivers2hills at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 23 16:01:37 MST 2008

Well, it must be because many of you are in the
cooooold north and unable to use your TR's in the way
they were intended - today.
But here in Jacksonville it was quite warm today and
after all else was done, I decided to go for a drive.
I had mentioned that the TR was doing funny things
related either to timing or carburation which caused
back firing and an odd lack of ommph when the gas was
applied. (did spell check on carburation and the
closest it came was CARBONATION)
Someone was thinking good thoughts while being cooped
up waiting for spring because when I started the 6 it
seemed like it was going to be a really rough trip.
I played with the choke a little bit and in
frustration upped the revs higher than I like and held
them there for a minute or so.  Didn't make much
difference so I took off down the street popping and
sputtering.  As I turned on to Losco Road (you can
look it up on Google Earth:) ) the thing cleared up 
and ran like a champ.  Not a cough or backfire to be
SO OFF I WENT!  Just a trip around the south side of
Jacksonville totally on divided high way at Interstate
speeds and the thing ran great.  It was then, while
running at 70 mph with the top down that I thought of
you guys still in the snow and ice and how you must be
projecting your desire to be out driving and it must
have hit an ice crystal or snow flake and gotten
focused on my engine and  caused it to run right.

Or I'm the flake who fluked into a lucky ride. 
Anyway, keep thinking those good thoughts:) 
Springtime is just around the corner and you guys get
to drive curvy, hilly back roads and smell the
springtime, then summer comes and you can smell the
hay while I  suffer with 95 degree temp's 100%
humidity and flat, arrow straight roads for as far as
the eye can see. 
Thanks for the good vibes & my car thanks you too.

John Summers
'74 TR 6 

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