[6pack] engine rebuild

Navarrette, Vance vance.navarrette at intel.com
Tue Feb 19 09:14:49 MST 2008


	I am sure the pros will tell you that prelubing the motor with
an electric drill is best, and I am sure that it is. Being a mechanic of
the ghetto variety, I am inclined to keep things simple. I prelubed mine
with the plugs out and used the starter motor. I had reassembled mine
using grease (I worry that if I don't get the engine running right away,
the oil will drain away). This method works. Is it best? Probably not,
but then I don't brush after every meal either. (I know; Ewwwww!)
	BTW, when you fire the engine, don't forget to fast idle the
motor at 2000 RPM for 20 minutes. DO NOT let the car idle. If you must
shut down the motor for some reason, when you restart the motor take it
back up to 2000 RPM and resume from where you left off. The camshaft is
lubricated by splashed oil. You want to make certain that the cam gets
splashed with LOTS of oil during the first 20 minutes. Otherwise you
will have a cam lobe go flat in a few hundred miles. A buddy of mine
went through not one but two cams on his Ford before he did this, and no
problems since.



-----Original Message-----
From: 6pack-bounces+vance.navarrette=intel.com at autox.team.net
[mailto:6pack-bounces+vance.navarrette=intel.com at autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of acs25m at swbell.net
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1:35 AM
To: 6pack at autox.team.net
Subject: [6pack] engine rebuild

I have a question for the list. What is the best way to get oil pressure
up on a newly rebuilt engine. It is a TR250 with a new oil pump,bearings
and rings. Assembly lube was generously used in the rebuild. Should I
just turn the engine over sans plugs or would I be better off to make a
connecting piece and turn the pump with a drill motor?
  John Maneke

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