[6pack] [TR] Triumph Trans AmeriCan 2009 Charity Drive, January 2008 Donor Stag

Glenn A. Merrell StagByTriumph at tscusa.org
Fri Feb 1 17:09:01 MST 2008

Randall wrote:
> I'm in, but ... doesn't it seem odd that this car has languished for 5
> months at such an attractive price ?  
>> I will be calling Jody Gorman this evening to find out the details
> Hopefully that's the owner ...
> Randall
Fortunately one of our Club members in Georgia has received a bunch of 
photos from the owner and talked to the owner on the car condition a 
while back.  I am looking them over now.  The car, aside from being an 
early sanction 1971 vehicle (early or mark I)  has a few issues but 
considering it is to be restored, that is not a problem.  We could 
discuss with the owner about a donation.

However, ISOA also has a nice 1973 Stag lined up for a purchase that is 
$3300, and already in Illinois so transportation would be quite a bit 
less cost and effort.

 So one way or the other, the pledges will be able to be spent toward 
acquiring  a car for John.

I think this brings up the need to get an online pledge list rolling so 
when the North American charity side of things is set up, we have a list 
of pledges and can give proper tax deduction documentation for the 
monies collected.  My goal there is to have those details sorted by the 
end of February 2008.

I am happy to see such response toward this event at such an early 
period.  Do keep it up as we get the final details ironed out.


Glenn A. Merrell
Chairman, Triumph Stag Club USA (2007-2009)
SKYPE id stagbytriumph
The best trophies are miles on the odometer, stone chips in the paint, dead bugs on the windshield!

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