[6pack] TR250 starting issues

Don Erickson derick at zeni.net
Wed Dec 31 10:04:44 MST 2008

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008, Steve Lindquist wrote:

> Anything else I can do to get it going?  I have fuel flow as I verified by
> breaking the carb connection and cranking the engine.  The carbs were
> rebuilt last year by Joe Curto so I am thinking that carb issues are less
> likely than finicky electrics.

You could try pulling the coil wire from the distributor cap and leaving 
it resting on top of the socket hole.  This will force the coil to work 
harder to bridge the inch or so gap, and thus create a hotter spark at 
your plugs.  Also, hearing a louder snap as the spark jumps the gap lets 
you know that your ignition system is functioning properly.

I just got a rebuilt engine running with 2 1/2 year old gasoline, and this 
"force hotter spark" method was how I finally got the motor to catch and 
run, after running down the battery a time or two without success.

Not that it should matter too much, but my car has the old "Crane Cams" 
electronic ignition module installed.



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