[6pack] new member

Bob Labuz yellowtr at adelphia.net
Sun Aug 31 16:06:50 MDT 2008


I am a new member to this list so let me introduce myself.

Bob Labuz,

Deerfield NY.

I am a member of the regular Triumphs list and have been for quite awhile.

I currently own a 58 3A and a 63 4 + a 74 Bonneville and a 98 Triumph Tbird 

Yesterday I committed to buy a very rough 72 TR6 that will require a full body 
off frame restoration so I decided I better get on this list as you can see I 
have no experience with either the 6 motor or the rear suspension plus any 
other 6 only stuff.

So I move up to the 70's.

I have always liked the 6's look and sound so maybe in a few years or so I 
will get to experience the car for myself.

Anyway, it will be another Triumph that will be making it back to the road 
where they should be.


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