[6pack] Miata seat conversion

im sloane im_sloane at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 6 05:28:40 MDT 2008

Miata seats to original Triumph rails via 3 ft angle-iron:

I've posted pics with descriptions at www.triumphowners.com/776.

They're working great. Write if you have any questions.

Sloane :)> > BTW, as for mounting, I took an unorthodoxed approach to the
conversion. I> fashioned a bracket to connect the Miata seats (minus the Miata
rails) to the> Triumph seat rails using a 3 ft piece of angle-iron, cut into 4
pieces.> Basically made the bottom of the Miata seat look and function like
the bottom> of the Triumph seat. It tilts forward, but of course doesn't have
a catch to> connect at the rear. Only taken one test drive, so not sure how
well the> design will hold up under extended use, but the fit seems just
right.> > Sloane :)
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