[6pack] noises&sounds

Todd Bermudez red_tr250 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 21 09:18:20 MDT 2008

I just tell everyone there are crickets in my car

My UNpreloaded Gunst bearing did that with a Borg &
Beck Pressure plate...so did Greg Donegan...he changed
his pressure plate to a Sachs...no squeals...I
didn't...I still had squeals...sold the car...bought
another TRiumph...it squeals too

And thus continues the never ending debate about PPs



--- DLylis at aol.com wrote:

> A squeal.  If you gently press down on the clutch
> pedal until there is  
> resistance you can actually tell when the TO bearing
> makes contact with the  
> fingers, as it squeals.  Let it up and it stops, do
> it again and it  starts.  A TO 
> bearing CAN (not will) actually live quite a while 
> in that condition, not 
> counting, of course, the embarrassment factor, as
> people  turn to look.  
> David  Lylis
> 69 TR6 CC26160L
> 60 TR3A TS74461LO
> **************Need a new ride? Check out the largest
> site for U.S. used car 
> listings at AOL Autos.      
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