[6pack] Ethanol gasoline blends,small engines

Jim Franks jimmble at roadrunner.com
Sat Apr 12 18:31:13 MDT 2008

Ditto what Robert says.

Robert Liam Gannon wrote:
> Every year I put a 6 oz bottle of Stabil in the Gas tank and fill it up, run
> it for a mile or two  before putting the car away for the winter. Every year
> it starts up with no issues. The lawn tractor, the snow blower and the
> trimmer, weed wacker and leaf blower the same. Never had an issue with not
> starting. During the driving season, I add a lead substitute additive in my
> TR3A. 1 0z. for every 11 gallons of gas. No issues.
> Robert L. Gannon
> http://home.comcast.net/~trsix74/wsb/index.html

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