[6pack] Other 10% ethanol concerns

Robert Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Fri Apr 11 13:39:24 MDT 2008

On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, Pete Kronberg wrote:

> Folks,
> OK, so unleaded AND 10% ethanol. In addition to carb
> floats and diaphragms...should I be concerned w/ stock
> valve seats and guides?


> I remember a debate that raged several years ago about
> not necessarily requiring valve seat upgrades for
> unleaded, but at the time I don't think the advice was
> in the context of 10% ethanol formulations.

If there was a debate more than a couple of years ago, it most certainly 
would not have included ethanol. The debate was "do I need lead". When the 
US went to unleaded-only formulas for street driven cars in the late-80s, 
there was a debate (the answer was it doesn't matter) and when the UK went 
with unleaded in the late 90's / early 2000's, the answer is still "it 
doesn't matter".

> I'd rather spend the money now, than incur engine
> damage later.

Define engine damage. If damage is reduced compression because the valve 
seat has receeded and is not sealing properly, then you MAY see "damage" 
eventually. WHich can be easily remedied by installing new seats.

Contrast that to installing hardened seats which costs $$$. And they can 
still erode (too much seat pressure, lean conditions, ignition timing 
probs...) You still have to deal with the seats. But if a seat falls out 
(it happens!), then you get to whack a valve seat with a piston. Ouch!

It's not like your motor is going to grenade is you skip putting in 
hardened seats... what is more likely is that the performance will degrade 
and eventually you'll have to deal.

I'd save the money that you would have spent on installing the seat and 
put it in a nest egg of some sort, and when it comes time, you'll have 
$25k for that race motor you've always wanted. Oh wait, that's me 
talking... you'll have plenty of $$$ to do the job right _when the work is 

> Thanks,
> Pete

Bob Lang              NER/SCCA                 |  This space for rent
Solo Chair 2008       TR6 40 F Prepared        |  Triumph!
Voice:781-438-2568    FAX: 617-258-9535        |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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