[6pack] Stant Superstat thermostat

Vsnively at aol.com Vsnively at aol.com
Wed Apr 9 18:07:42 MDT 2008

In a message dated 4/9/2008 6:55:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
rpeglow at optonline.net writes:

Stant  makes a higher quality thermostat called the Superstat.
They say it opens  and closes quicker to maintain a more even  temperature.
They  are twice the price.
Anyone with experience using this  product?
6pack at autox.team.net


You  are subscribed as _vsnively at aol.com_ (mailto:vsnively at aol.com) 

  I installed one in my '75. It does seem to hold a constant temp a  little 
better than the cheapies. I bought it mainly because it was a much  higher 
quality than some others. I viewed the price difference as cheap  insurance 
against downtime in driving season. So far, so good.
Vic Snively
'75 TR6  w/AC

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