[6pack] Spin-On Adapter

im sloane im_sloane at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 18 07:23:22 MST 2007

Unless I missed a post, nobody mentioned how to remove the original canister
from the vehicle. This can be a 'neat trick' on a left hand steer car, as the
steering column is on the 'wrong side'. I've removed my steering column once,
but I recall having a devil of a time getting it back on. Someone once
mentioned dropping down the clutch slave, but if my clutch is operating
properly that's not something I'd want to mess with. Those may be the only two

I've changed the original filter on my 69 dozens of times with no issue.
However, changing the original on my brother's 73 just once and we agreed he
needs a spin on conversion. I couldn't figure out why they were so different,
but it was just almost impossible to reach everything. Also, the PO had
drilled a 2 inch hole in the fender-well to allow a socket wrench to reach the
filter. At first I thought, how silly, but after the hour long task of getting
that bugger off and back on I'm not sure I could have done it without the
hole, and all four of our hands.

Sloane :)
69-Six> How difficult is it to do this? I see the adapter for sale on Moss. Do
I just> buy the adapter> and a filter and spin them on? I want to be sure I
have everything I need> before attempting> this on my own.> > Thanks & Merry
Christmas!> > Stuart
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