[6pack] weber carbs

Robert Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Mon Dec 10 13:53:14 MST 2007


I'm interested in your comments about how hard it was to drive the car 
smoothly after the change to the MCHH carbs.

Have you had the car to a tuner or taken it to a dyno? If not, you're 
probably not "right there" with the setup. You should run the car up to 
speed and sniff the exhaust to see if the mixture is close.

Most Weber installs that I'm familiar with take a few iterations to get 
the carb to "transition" from idle jets to main jets and the primary 
"symptom" is that the car is "jerky".

If you are epecting to bolt on Weber anything and have it work perfectly 
right out of the box, you will likely be dissapointed 'till you can spend 
some time tuning.

If you have done sessions on a dyno and not been able to dial the carbs 
in, then you need to find another tuner.

On the plus side, when you go to dial the carb in you only have to buy 2 
of everything instead of 6 of everything. That makes a big difference in 
the cost!

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
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