Thoughts on Restoring a Morgan
A discussion about fan clutches, how they work, testing and replacing.
©By: John T. Blair (WA4OHZ)
1133 Chatmoss Dr., Va. Beach, Va. 23464; (757) 495-8229
Originally written: Jan. 25, 2022
This article originally appeared in Popular Mechanics magazine in the July 2005 issue and then posted on their web site. Over the years the article has been taken down or inadvertentaly deleted.
While doing maintenance on my Morgan web site, I found the broken link, went searching for the file. I've tried
contacting Popular Mechanics in Jan 2022 to no avail. I then went searching the WAYBACK MACHINE and found a copy.
It look like it is going to take some work to clean it up as it appears to have been built with an auto page generator. So linking from one page to the next will take a lot of work to get it right in the original file.
I see a couple of options:
- I can reformat the page and extract only the picturs and the text of the article
- Leave the pages intact and require that you come back to this page to go the next page in the article.
Currently, I've opted for the second. The selectd page will open in a new browser window so simply close it to
return to the main page and select the next page you wish to look at,
Fan Clutch Part 1
Fan Clutch Part 2
Fan Clutch Part 3
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