Last updated 04/03/1997
I purchased my '65 Morgan 4/4 Series V in 1969. The 3rd
day I had it on the road, I was hit from behind, while
stopped at a traffic light. The car was totaled. My dad
and I spent the better part of the next year rebuilding it.
I drove the car for the next 5 or so years. After I got married and we started a family, the demands of work and family took it's toll. I parked the car in a spare bay in my dad's garage. He continued to drive it as his bad weather show car for the next several years.
Then in 1988, I dug the car out of mothballs and started to drive it again. The more I drove it the more I found wrong with it. So I began to tinker, until I found a crack in the chassis. This brought about the total restoration of the car (I have 1741 documented hours from 1988 to 1992). As I started to work on the car, I couldn't remember how I had done things some 20+ years earlier. To keep this from happening again, I decided to write myself notes so if I ever have to do it again, I'd have an easier time of it. One night after typing my notes up for the day, I thought if I made sentences out of these notes I could send them to the Morgan Club, that I belong to at that time (MCCDC) for publication. MCCDC did indeed publish the articles, then they were picked up by 2 clubs in Texas, a club in Florida, and one in Washington state. The biggest surprise was when I received a care package from a pen-pal Nelson Warner (from CT.). In it was a copy of Miscellany the newsletter from the British club, they too were publishing many of the articles.
In February of 1996, I found Scions of Lucas (SOL) on the Internet. At that time I started corresponding with Roger Garett about putting the articles up on the SOL's technical page. So I went to work updating the articles. Under Roger's tutelage, I learned HTML and formatted the articles.
On May 16, 1996 the text only versions went on-line, and I started trying to get the graphics scanned and cut into the various articles.
On June 21, 1996 the updated version with the black and white graphics went on-line.
I continue to work on the Morgan Web page. I'm always looking for additional articles to improve the site. If you have information to contribute, feel free to send it to me. If you don't know HTML, I'll try to help you learn it or I'll convert the articles for you. I'm also looking for parts cross reference information. Most of the information I have is based on my '65 car. If you have any information on any other year cars, please send it to me for inclusion in the parts cross reference guide in the Restoration Articles section. John
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