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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 11:56 AM
Subject: Britsburgh Celebration and Classic Cars
Hello again
Just a quick recap - my name is Mark Fern and I am the entertainment coordi=
nator of British-American Connections Pittsburgh, a not for profit based in=
Pittsburgh. Our goal is the promotion of British culture and business in P=
ittsburgh. To this end my fellow board members and I are organizing a Fest=
ival. You may have heard on local radio and television or the press about =
"Britsburgh" - A festival of Britain in Pittsburgh to be held from Septembe=
r 9 through 14th. This festival is timed to coincide with Her Majesty Queen=
Elizabeth II becoming the longest reigning monarch overtaking Queen Victor=
ia. The festival has gained a lot of interest and has really taken off.
At the culmination of this festival is "A Very British Day Out" at Highmark=
stadium on September 13th, featuring British sports, food, drink, live mus=
ic and more.
The webpage for the event is here: http://bacpgh.com/2015/08/a-very-britis=
To that end, we thought it would be great to have those folks who own Briti=
sh cars or bikes (of any age, vintage or era) come down and make it a full-=
blown British event. We are reaching out to clubs and new car dealers and =
hope to get a great turnout (Thanks to those who have already responded and=
I apologize for the redundant email.)
If you have members who would like to attend, we ask that you just let us k=
now approximately how many folk we might be expecting. This is all very ad=
hoc, but we feel it is a very important part of the Pittsburgh/Britain con=
nection, and cars generate a lot of passion among their owners. We=92d lov=
e to have you stop by the stadium and show off your vehicles.
Please feel free to distribute this email invitation to any one or group yo=
u think might be interested, and please drop me a line if you have any ques=
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Kind regards
Mark Fern
Events Coordinator
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---------- Forwarded message ----------<br>
From: <b>Mark Fern</b> <<a href=3D"mailto:mark@bacpgh.com";>mark@bacpgh.c=
Date: Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 11:56 AM<br>
Subject: Britsburgh Celebration and Classic Cars<br>
To: "<a href=3D"mailto:mark@bacpgh.com";>mark@bacpgh.com</a>" <=
<a href=3D"mailto:mark@bacpgh.com";>mark@bacpgh.com</a>>
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<span style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial",sans-serif=
">Hello again<br>
Just a quick recap - my name is Mark Fern and I am the entertainment coordi=
nator of British-American Connections Pittsburgh, a not for profit based in=
Pittsburgh. Our goal is the promotion of British culture and business in P=
ittsburgh. To this end my fellow
board members and I are organizing a Festival. You may have heard on=
local radio and television or the press about "Britsburgh" - A f=
estival of Britain in Pittsburgh to be held from September 9 through 14th. =
This festival is timed to coincide with Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II becoming the longest reigning monarch overtaking Queen =
Victoria. The festival has gained a lot of interest and has really ta=
ken off.<br>
At the culmination of this festival is "<strong><span style=3D"FONT-FA=
MILY: "Arial",sans-serif">A Very British Day Out</span></strong>&=
quot; at Highmark stadium on September 13th, featuring British sports, food=
, drink, live music and more.<br>
The webpage for the event is here: <a href=3D"http://bacpgh.com/2015/=
To that end, we thought it would be great to have those folks who own Briti=
sh cars or bikes (of any age, vintage or era) come down and make it a full-=
blown British event. We are reaching out to clubs and new car dealers=
and hope to get a great turnout (Thanks
to those who have already responded and I apologize for the redundant emai=
If you have members who would like to attend, we ask that you just let us k=
now approximately how many folk we might be expecting. This is all ve=
ry ad hoc, but we feel it is a very important part of the Pittsburgh/Britai=
n connection, and cars generate a lot
of passion among their owners. We=92d love to have you stop by the s=
tadium and show off your vehicles.<br>
Please feel free to distribute this email invitation to any one or group yo=
u think might be interested, and please drop me a line if you have any ques=
I look forward to hearing from you all.<br>
Kind regards<br>
Mark Fern<br>
Events Coordinator<br>
<a href=3D"mailto:mark@bacpgh.com";>mark@bacpgh.com</a><br>
412.576.1661<span style=3D"COLOR: #1f497d"><o:p></o:p></span></span></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
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