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Newsletter Award

To: Bill Sohl <vtr@autox.team.net>
Subject: Newsletter Award
From: Kenneth Nachman <102451.2327@compuserve.com>
Date: 01 Aug 95 14:10:09 EDT
Dear Bill,
I just wanted to thank you for the 1995 newsletter award. I just got home from
the VTR convention in Rockford...a 1000 mile drive in my TR^ with no AC! My wife
thinks I'm crazy for driving over 1000 miles each way to a car show! The RTR had
4 members at the convention, 8 if you count spouses. You could hear the cheers
all through that huge room. It was quite a gratifying feeling to receive an
award for having one of the best newsletters in the country! If there is any
way, I would love to see some of the winning newsletters from other clubs. (I
always try to improve).

Thanks again,
Ken Nachman
Richmond Triumph Register

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