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[Vintage-race] VRG/PVGP BeaveRun Historics

To: <>, <>
Subject: [Vintage-race] VRG/PVGP BeaveRun Historics
From: "Ralph Steinberg" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 10:55:12 -0400
To all;


As we all realize our economy is still not where most of us would like (this
is said with a big grin). We of the VRG/PVGP realize that and appreciate the
fact that you spend the money that you do in coming to our events.

 To show our appreciation we are changing the cutoff date for our normal
(flat entry rate) rate. If you have your entry postmarked by July 12th, 2010
your entry fee will be $325.00 for a VRG member and $375.00 for non members.

 After the 12th you will pay $400, member or non-member. And while we will
accept entries right there at the track it is much harder on us and our
staff to do this and you may not get into the group you were hoping to.

 We and our charities appreciate your commitment to this event and hope to
see you all there.

 Thank You 

Kieth Lawrence VRG Event Chair

Ralph Steinberg Director of Competition PVGP BeaveRun
Suggested annual donation  $11.47

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