I prefer this one:
You can run a one wire alternator, and just run the alternator
charging through the 2nd set of terminals. The one you link to
doesn't carry that kind of current on the Aux terminals so you need
to put the field coils or something on it instead.
- Tony
At 10:38 AM 1/13/2010, Tracy Drummond wrote:
>Which brand of cut off switch is best? I need to also kill the alternator.
>I only saw this one that matches my application so far.
>Also I am considering adding a quick fitting for battery charging but cannot
>find the grey two terminal set up.
>Thanks guys
>Warm Regards,
>Tracy Drummond
>PMP | ITIL Service Manager | CISSP | bighealey@charter.net | 408-394-3444
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