I's like to extend an invitation to the vintage racers on this list to join us
at the VRG Turkey Bowl at Summit Point (main course) on Thanksgiving weekend.
This event is probably the most low-key event on the calendar. It's a full
three-day event, Fri/Sat/Sun with tons of track time. Entry fee is only $250
(earlybird -- by Nov 10th).
The weather can be better than you'd expect. Last year it was 60 degrees for
all three days, and Al Gore has personally guaranteed it will be at least 2
degrees warmer this year -- or he'll eat his polar cap.
All vintage cars through 1972 are welcome. You don't need to be a member of
VRG -- just need a vintage competition license (or "qualified driver" with a
vintage club), and an eligible car (we prefer to see a vintage log book).
Later cars can be accepted, either in the vintage race groups (if compatible)
or in the modern car race groups organized by Mid-Atlantic Motorsports.
The entry form can be found here:
If that doesn't work, go to the web site www.vrgonline.org and click on
"Events" then "Turkey Bowl" and you'll find the entry form on that page.
We have also posted the FAQ's for this event, so if you have any questions
please take a look at these, it will answer most of your questions.
Mark Palmer
Turkey Bowl Event Chairman
Peek-a-boo FREE Tricks & Treats for You!
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