FYI, I just received the attached..see below. Your prayers are requested.
Myles H. Kitchen
> Hi Fellow Racing Drivers, Guild Members and Friends,
> I was contacted by Tom Armstrong this evening with the news that while
> racing in New Zealand, Dick Buckingham was involved in a severe accident and
is in
> a coma. The accident happened sometime on Friday (Our would have
> been Saturday in New Zealand). Tom's information was sketchy regarding the
> particulars of the accident but it appears that Dick was knocked unconscious
> and may have been without oxygen for a while. He is a the hospital in a
> town in New Zealand and a neurologist, from Seattle (Who is also a friend of
> the Armstrong's.) is in consultation with the doctor's over there.
> According to Tom, they have followed all the correct protocol's regarding a
coma and
> have administered some sort of drug (I am assuming it has something to do
> with keeping the swelling of the brain under control.) that they have now
> him off...he has been off the medication for about 18 hours but is still in
> the coma. At this point they don't know what will happen. Judy is, as we
> can imagine, pretty shook but she does have many of their N.Z friends (and a
> Seattle contingent of racers) supporting her. Susan Armstrong may decide to
> fly there and be with her.
> There isn't much any of us can do but to keep Dick and Judy in our
> prayers...and also pray that the doctors are able to pull him through this
> time. I will keep you all updated as I get more information.
> Elna Duffield