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Re: Portable shelters

Subject: Re: Portable shelters
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 12:40:32 EST

Here's my 2 cents worth.  I've had the trailer mounted awings, the cheap EZ 
up 10 X 10's (about $150 retail), a Quikshade 8 X 8, and a heavy duty EZ up 10 
X 15 powdercoated.

If you're going to use it regularly at the track, its going to be subjected 
to heavy use and abuse (putting it up, taking it down, having it up in the 
wind/rain, etc.).  My advice is pay the extra money and go for the  heavy duty, 
powder coated models.  They work easier over the long haul and break less 

I definitely stay AWAY from any models that use plastic hardware fittings, 
especially on the roof joints.  Once they break, you're usually done, and 
replacing them is time consuming and frustrating.  The only problems I have 
with the 
HD EZ up is occasionally losing some joint bolts that loosen and fall out.  
This one is designed to keep the canopy on during folding, also making it 
easier.   I can actually put it up myself with some effort, but its MUCH easier 
with two at opposite corners, or 4, one at each corner.  It is heavy, though, 
I don't usually carry it very far from the trailer.

I've also found it to be much more flexible than a trailer mounted awning, 
which I've also had.  You can't always position your trailer the way you want 

They'll all need some sort of tie down in winds.  I usually just secure some 
of those Costco nylon straps to the race car, or trailer and can leave it up 
all night, even in some big storms.  Warning, don't use tires or jacks as 
ballast...I've seen them go flying in big winds.

In trying to be cheap, I bought 2 of the cheaper 10 X 10's.  That was a 
mistake.  When it rains, theres' a seam right in the middle of the car, and the 
corner poles are right in the way of the doors. Plus, the non powder coated 
legs get harder to slide over time.  Be careful not to bend the legs, or you're 
done (no more sliding inside one another).  An occassional spray of WD40 or 
silicone on the legs is adviseable.

So, might vote is for the 10 X 15 EZ up, powder coated, all metal hardware, 
heavy duty canopy (lots of colors available).  They run about $600 - $650, but 
worth it.  Anything less is for occassional use on the patio!

Myles H. Kitchen
1965 Lotus Cortina Mk1 #128

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