Here's another thing to consider: auto parts are not normally covered by a
homeowner's policy. Tools, equipment are covered (although I am still
trying to figure out why Craftsman tools can be depreciated: they're
guaranteed for life, for crissakes). But as I reassemble the Nova, I keep
finding missing parts (mini-starter, clutch linkage, etc.) and I am told,
basically, that this is my tough luck. And this comes after a taped
interview in which I had to state that I ran in competition in which there
was no prize money (trying to invalidate the coverage on the basis that I
was involved in a commercial operations). I finally told the adjuster that,
yes, it was possible for someone to financially benefit from my racing: the
beneficiary of my life insurance policies!
I will say that my experience with Cincinnati Insurance Company has been far
less than satisfactory, so another word to the wise.
As I continue to work through this break-in, I become increasingly
intolerant of criminal activity and have expanded my (suggested) list of
capital crimes considerably. I put in a lot of years to accumulate what I
have, however meager that total might be. And some low-life SOB feels he
can break into my garage and take a portion of it away? I truly hope they
find it in their black heart to return and kick in the door while I am
there. I will serve as a one-man welcoming committee.
And then there's this final word of advice: Don't "conceal" the fact that
you are in parking your car at another location. This, I am
told by my attorney, could invite a charge of "entrapment," That's how far
this thing has gone...the wrong way.
Bitter. Ohh, perhaps just a bit. But learn from my lesson. Get a clear
understanding of what is covered by your insurance policy and be certain you
have a complete inventory of your shop. And keep a ball bat handy...or
something a bit more convincing. I've settled on a 38, and that's not the
bat length.
Rick Yocum
66 Nova TransAm
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 10:40 PM
To: Wm. Severin Thompson; vintage-race;
Cc:;; Judy Ann Cull; Bill
Okay, just a reminder. A security system for a race shop is a great
investmen, ever if you've had no troubles for 12 years. Stopped out at mine
Saturday morning (left at 11:30 Friday night) to find the lock clipped and
things pretty well cleaned out. Didn't touch the two cars (methinks it's
someone who has visited me there and knows I would hunt-down-and-kill anyone
who screwed with the cars), but welders, winches, torches and a ton of
Craftsman hand tools (and god-know-what else, which speaks to the need for a
good inventory list) are now probably available at swap meets across the
Midwest. Along with the shift knob off the Chevy four-speed I had
carelessly removed from the car last week. Didn't touch the tranny...just
the knob. Go figure.
So off I go to my friendly security man this week...a few days too
late...hoping my "contents" coverage proves sufficient.
Rick Yocum
Nova TransAm
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