i'll give this a try.
my 2 stroke saab runs synthetic racing grade 2 stroke oil. why am i
responding to your question with this answer? i have done a bit of oil
research for my race engines based upon my father using castrol"R" when he
raced as his choice of "best " oil for racing back in the 50's and 60's. i
was searching for a best modern alternative. i found that castrol "R" was
still available in it's home market but no longer exported. also i was
told that it's been reformulated from the original oil once available. now
if that's true or not i'm uncertain. but no matter i did get an education
on the fact that castor bean based oil is organic and water based. unless
you use evry bit of it and keep it agitated (mixed) frequently it will turn
to a gooey sludge and provides no protection from corosion. so i decided
to not follow through with trying to import some for racing my saab. what
i did find was another interesting thing in 2 stroke oils! low ash high ash
organic 2 stroke oils and synthetic 2 stroke oils. (outboard motor oil is
not a super choice!) my recomendation would be to seek a 2 stroke oil wich
suits your situation. the best choices i have been offered are silkolene
pro 2 , silkolene comp 2 or spectro oils"golden spectro".
the silkolene is primarilly a motorcycle synthetic used by many racers with
high sucess. since you will be spinning it into the mix to be burned it
would be desireable to have a clean burning low residue oil. that equates
to easier starts and greatly reduced plug failure and a lower rate of
deposit in the exhaust system and combustion chambers. (these are importaint
to my 2 stroke) now i realise you are not working on a 2 stroke engine but
i think if you contact any of the leading racing 2 stroke manufacturers they
can recomend a modern alternative to the lack-o-castrol"R" in north
just my rambling thoughts on your search.
btw! if ya feel a need for the wonderfull aroma..head out to the local
pharmacy and purchase some medicinal grade castor oil and add a very little
to your mix! 4oz bottle will do about 20 gallons of fuel mix for my saab.
just enough forthe right stink. :) (for nostalgia's sake)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 12:43 AM
Subject: Castrol "R" alternative
> Hello List. I have discovered that Castrol "R" is unavailable here in
> Canada (according to the Castrol representative). The Cozette super
> on the 1930 Austin Ulster I am working on is supposed to be fed "R" to
> it's bearings and spin into the mix. Does anyone have a suggestion for an
> alternative lubricant, with similar properties, that is more readily
> available?
> Also...If anyone has literature on Cozette carburetors they could share
> with me I would be very grateful! The carb is a very simple design but
> there are a few mysteries...
> Alan Simpson
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