Doug is correct only one minor fender bender Simple rules, basic SCCA 1967
rule book ,If you live on the east coast and have not tried a VDCA event you
need to doit ,You will not be disapointed ck out their web site its been
updated great stuff.VDCA keeping the vintage in vintage racing. Crazy Pete
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: Vintage Racing?
> In a message dated 3/28/01 11:34:35 AM,
> << I don't see that "vintage spirit" too often any more. I see many torn
> race cars at every vintage race. Possibly
> more than at an SCCA race. I am sure the cost of repair is much greater.
> And cheating! Please. Vintage rarely
> checks motors. How many FF's have 5 spd gearboxes and other questionable
> engines. We won't even get to the
> other vintage cars.
> So no one group is better than another. >>
> We're not better than any other vintage group, but we are trying to be
> different than most. The elusive "vintage spirit" is alive an well at
> events. We place our emphasis on (in no particular order of importance):
> period correct cars, track time in a relaxed, low pressure atmosphere and
> great parties.
> We enforce the 13/13 rule and our first year was exceptionally clean.
> think we had one incident resulting in damaged race cars.
> We also actually check cars for rule compliance and require certain
> minimum standards for all cars. That does not mean that we are
> about car preparation. We have not rejected any car presented for Tech at
> VDCA event for compliance issues.
> Our next event will be at Virginia International Raceway on April
> We already have a lot great cars that have submitted entries for this
> Come on out and judge for yourself as to whether the "vintage spirit" can
> still be found in vintage racing these days.
> VDCA will also host an "open" event at Roebling Road May 4-6.
> Doug Meis - Small Displacement group rep.