To the list:
FYI, I'm cleaning out the closets and have posted some shop manuals and misc.
on eBay that might be of interest to some of you. If you want more info,
email me, and I'll send you the eBay URLs. What I have are:
Complete Ford Dealer Parts Book/Manuals, covering 1965 - 1972 with all part
numbers, parts illustrations, etc. 4 big binders, 40 lbs of paper!
1965 Ford Mustang Shop Manual
1967 Ford Mustang Shop Manuals
1969 Ford Shop Manuals, including Mustangs and trucks
1969 Ford Shelby Shop Manual Supplement
1969 Mustang/Cougar Wiring Diagrams
1976 Mitchell Import Repair Manual, covering 1968 - 1976 import cars & trucks
Chilton Mustang repair book
1971 Ford Pinto Shop Manual & engine manual (much is same as Cortina)
1978 Long Beach Grand Prix Press kit w/photos
Myles H. Kitchen
1965 Lotus Cortina Mk1 #128