Someone said that racing accidents shouldn't be discussed at home. I'd have
to disagree - my wife and I have discussed it over the years - she was my pit
crew before she was my wife, so has experienced the whole racing thing over
the last 30 years, from before vintage even existed. It was from balancing
the amount of enjoyment I got from motorcycles against the concern it gave
her that I decided to give them up. She has never showed the same degree of
concern over car racing, or maybe knows that it is much more important to me
- fight the battles you have a chance of winning, in other words.
On the other hand, if she ever sees the insurance valuation for my stereo
(high end audio is another hobby) or the last page on my wine list, with the
total value, you will be able to find my body in said cellar, probably
bludgeoned with a mag of bubbly.
Bill S.