Every now and then some non racer friend will ask about the danger involved
in racing. One of the things I usually try to explain is that we "are
prepared to crash". Meaning we have roll bars, helmets, fire suits, gloves,
and 5 or 6 point seat belts. And that with all this equipment we have a good
chance of not being seriously hurt if we do crash.
Safety belts are designed so you can hit the wall at 200 mph and not hit the
steering wheel. Indy guys do it all the time and walk away. But without a
safety belt, or with one that has been "modified" or cut or damaged you can't
hit a wall at 80 mph with out getting hurt.
We know Earnhardt was killed by injurys from hitting the steering wheel.
The only way he could hit the steering wheel is if the belts failed due to
damage or some modification.
We will have to wait to hear what is discovered about what may have been done
to the belt that caused it to fail...
Was it rubbing on something such as the side of the seat? Caustic chemicals
got on it somehow? What was this modification that Earnhardt made?
The point is that anyone, even Dale Earnhardt can get hurt or worse if any of
the safety equipment fails. Or isn't used properly. Because then you are not
"prepared to crash"
Jerry Burr