Thanks Jim,
I looked in my folder last night and couldn't find the reference. Then
remembered it was Motorbooks. Seems like we came up from tube at Leicester
Square. We actually came back for an expensive book I couldn't justify on my
1st visit, but they were closed Sunday. I have never found that book anywhere
else, and I think they only had the one and sold it, 'cause I wrote back later
to buy it by mail.
>>> Jim Hayes <> 02/14/01 10:47PM >>>
Motorbooks is the bookstore around the corner, in an alley (St.
Martins) alongside the theaters. They have auto, aviation and railway
books - mostly new - the biggest selection I have ever seen. I never get
out empty-handed. If you follow the alley to the next street (Charing
Cross Rd.) and take a left, there are several mega-bookstores on the
other side of the block - Foyles is the biggest and best.
Two blocks away, to the NE, is a shop that sells antique scientific
instruments, which is another source of temptation!
I found it on Seach in the UK for Charing Cross in London,
maximize zoom and go west one click. I'll drop in the link below - don;t
know if it will work as it's 4 lines long!
Regards, Jim
Nick England wrote:
> St. Martin's is probably the model shop you are thinking of. Directions to
> the shop (95 St Martins Lane , London WC2) are on their web page -
> I have been to the book store (but can't remember the name) which I believe
> is right around the corner on one of the pedestrian walks between St.
> Martin's Lane and Charing Cross Road - maybe Cecil Ct. or St. Martin's Ct.
> Best Regards & Have Fun,
> Nick England
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "N" <>
> To: "Vintage Race Digest" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 9:13 PM
> Subject: Looking for a book/book shop
> > is looking for a book store in London.
> >
> > I don't remember if any of the shops I visited had old books, but, you
> > want to try them. There was a shop that specialized in auto art on one
> > the east/west streets, and a shop that carried a large variety of scale
> > models on a north/south street somewhere in the area between Haymarket &
> > Drury Lane, & Strand & Shaftsbury. I believe the art shop advertises in
> one
> > of the British car mags. If they don't carry books, they may be able to
> > direct you to someone there who does.
> >
> > If you ever get to Toronto, Canada, there is a fantastic auto book store
> up
> > there. I don't remember the name, but can find it if you are interested.
> > Owner is an Alfa guy. Has many out of print books in stock. I spent a
> few
> > hours there one day finding treasures. I seem to remember it is near the
> > Science Museum.
> >
> > Happy hunting!
> >
> > Norm Sippel
> > '66 MGB, et al
Jim Hayes Fotec/Cable U
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!