One word - mirrors
- followed by 1-1/2 more - use 'em
Mark Palmer wrote:
> Bill,
> Your comment "you have to be at absolute peak attention for a half an hour,
> running at the ragged edge, not wasting a tenth of a second that you can
> help" implies a relationship between attentiveness and 10/10ths driving. I
> disagree. I believe there are plenty of good drivers in vintage, that ARE
> at absolute peak attention, but choose NOT to run at the ragged edge.
> You might see them as "Roving Chicanes", but they have as much right to the
> track, as the fast guys (as long as they're paying attention). Besides, at
> one point or another, you and I and virtually everyone becomes a roving
> chicane to somebody else.
> I think we'd probably agree, that the real problem is the inattentive driver
> -- which does not correlate necessarily with the 7/10ths or 8/10ths driver.
> Regards,
> Mark
> >From:
> >To:,,,
> >,
> >Subject: Re: Rules and 'Cheating'
> >Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 18:45:49 EST
> >
> >In a message dated 17/01/01 3:03:44 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > writes:
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> >That's another, and different, issue - many (most?) people now vintage
> >racing
> >never raced in SCCA or CASC racing. Many of them are out there having a
> >high
> >speed tour - I call them roving chicanes (RCs for short).
> >
> >If you are one of the ones like me, that whenever it is safe to do so, and
> >whenever the competition is there, puts together a few laps of real racing,
> >great - I'd hope to see you out there. I ran ICSCC and CASC for many
> >years,
> >and still enjoy a real battle, but am able to put a reef or two in my sails
> >without much regret (something I'd have had a hard time doing in the old
> >days) if I come upon one of the RCs out having a good time (though usually
> >not paying much attention to his mirrors).
> >
> >If you think that vintage racing is the same thing as regular racing, where
> >you have to be at absolute peak attention for a half an hour, running at
> >the
> >ragged edge, not wasting a tenth of a second that you can help, I would
> >respond that I'm not sure I'd WANT to be out there while you are doing that
> >(too much like target shooting with kids and dogs running all over the
> >range).
> >
> >Just my opinion, and I do note the many guys that at least talk a serious
> >race, or like to think they are of a calibre that would do well at a
> >National. If you aren't, or haven't been, an SCCA type, ask one of the guys
> >that still runs _current_ SCCA, and also runs vintage, what he thinks of
> >vintage some time. Just don't do it in front of the RCs - you wouldn't want
> >to hurt their feelings.
> >
> >Bill S.
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