Some time ago, there was discussion of use of water based detergents
for parts washing.
I have lost all traces of discussion and the links contained.
I gather most modern shops are no longer using the solvent cleaner
tanks of yore but have switched to hot water/detergent cleaners.
I was about to buy a cheap solvent washer tank from Harbor Fright when
I was recommended to go the hot water/detergent route.
Does anyone have any hobbyist experience setting up a parts washer for
water/detegent system. Professional tanks are many $K.
For example, how important is water temp, or can you get the same
results from leaving for a few days ( I gotta try molasses on my
Also, how important is agitation.
Anyone have any links to detergent vendors? or would dishwasher
detergent work almost as well.
By the way, I plan to let the contamintaed water evaporate on a bed of
kitty litter, then eventually dispose of kitty litter in an
appropriate (love that word) manner.
Since we are on a septic tank, with well water, next to a creek with
real live fish I get real sensitive about what to do with the
contamintaed stuff.