In a message dated 12/01/00 7:11:05 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> . In the only such case that I know of, we then
> classified the car in question (a highly modified MGA TwinCam) as a Sports
> Racer, rather than a Production Sports Car.
Was that Tony's double flip front/back lightweight racer? I know of the car,
and wondered if it would ever make the track again.
If so, that one seems to have the history, and it's hard to argue with
putting it in sports racing, as that is indeed what it would have run in back
in the 60s.
Without digging through much old material, long stored away, I do recall that
the Canadian rules were much more liberal, at least in the engine area,
allowing carbs that would have put you into sports racing with SCCA. I don't
recall details, but a friend ran a 948cc Lotus 7 (are there any BMC powered
Loti running the small engines? And given the unenviable reliability record,
and greater cost of running the smaller more volatile engines, would you want
to force them to do so?), and could use Webers (albeit very small ones, I
should think) in Canada and SUs in the States. Living near the border, I
think he soon got tired of changing between races!
Bill Spohn