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Re: vintage-race-digest V1 #600

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: vintage-race-digest V1 #600
From: "Peter L. Krause" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 22:23:34 -0400
Sadek says:

BTW, the only race I have been to where Peter Krause was the
announcer is the only race where I threw a rod...........hmmmmmmmmmmm.
Chuck Sadek
YS 73

Damn Chuck, that same weekend, I got into Lynne Alexander's (my significant
other's) Fiat 850 just to "check it out" and damned if #3 came throught the
side of the block right after I took the checker! Boy, that was a looong
ride home... I still don't think there's a connection...(is that why I like
Italian cars?)

-Peter Krause

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