Jeff: If you have wirewheels on your Jag now, it's easy to go with
knockoffs. If you have to convert from w/w to bolt-ons, it is extra work.
But, given my druthers, I'd go with bolt-ons.
Since my MG has w/w's & I wanted to stay with that look, I opted for
knock-off alloys for racing. I did install new front hubs to avoid any
spline destruction on the front wheels and to add some security. (And, this
is a 33 year old car that has seen its share of front-end banging around
including one accident that destroyed a wire wheel.) New rear hubs are on
the list.
Thus far, I am satisfied with the situation. At Summit Point last year, I
thought I had a problem with the wheels (Some Digesters may remember my
posting about vibration above 80 mph.). It turned out to be the tape-on
wheel weights (placed at the very edge of the inner wheel.) hitting the
too-fat tie rod ends. New, smaller diameter tie-rod ends solved the
Norm SIppel
'66 MGB daily driver, occasional racer