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Formula Fords Oct 1 at pocono

Subject: Formula Fords Oct 1 at pocono
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 08:22:56 -0400
RCCA is interested in hosting Vintage FF races,to Vintage Rules.  Earlier Sept
events seem to conflict with Summit Point and Wkns Glen.  October 1 is an open
weekend.  Please respond if you would like to participate.  For about 6 cars it
is $200.  For 15 or more the price may be negotiated.  Expect a ton of track
time.  If you  buy RCCA tires, you can participate in two race groups Vintage
and current RCCA.   Please email me if interested.  I am trying to get this RCCA
Vintage group off the ground and would like feedback on why/why not people are
interested. It would add more races to the Tri State area for formula fords.

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