Here's one for the F3 amoungst us. Make sure you reply to "Geoffroy RIVET"
<, not to me.
>From: "Geoffroy RIVET" <>
>Subject: historic formula 3 championship
>Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 15:01:03 +0200
>Dear Sir,
>I'm french and I try actualy to contact a maximum of pilots, owner of
>historic Formula 3, I liter, to organize a european championship such as
>the formula junior.
>Exemples of cars eligible :
>- Lotus 59
>- Chevron B15
>- Matra MS5
>- Brabham BT28
>- ...
>I would like to know if you can help me in this project, if you know some
>pilots who has such car or give me some contacts ?
>Thanks you very much for your answer by e-mail or by phone :
>Tel : 00-33-6-60-98-29-91
>Best regards
"Geoffroy RIVET" <