It seems there was more to the Dan Gurney incident than met the eye. The
following was sent to me by someone who was privy to the debriefing:
<<F.Y.I The throttle stuck wide open when D.G. nailed it coming out of Turn
10. If you will recall, when the Ferrari and Prowlers came into view, both
front wheels on the 4.9 were locked with smoke bellowing off the little
Engleberts! As is typical with front wheels locked there was no steering.
The Prowler was not in the way until the 4.9 was headed into the tire wall!
The contact actually allowed the 4.9 to turn and stop at that point our
Guest of Honor was able to locate the "kill" switch. Instead of being
ridiculed both drivers should be commended for what could have been a very
ugly situation. By the way - D.G. did sign the BVD's of the Prowler driver
and passenger (track photographer)!>>