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Re: Ammeters and alternators

Subject: Re: Ammeters and alternators
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 22:07:24 EDT
In a message dated 00-05-15 08:38:49 EDT, you write:

 We are wiring up a car that has MGA instruments. We are installing a
 one-wire alternator.
 In the original wiring schematic, all generated current goes through the
 ammeter. Does anybody know if this original ammeter take the current
 generated by a modern one-wire alternator?

I could be wrong (as in the case of the MGA Twin Cam), but I owned an MGA for 
18 years, restored it, and think I know something about the car.  They never 
had an ammeter.  You could easily install an ammeter, a 30 amp +or- would 
work fine with an alternator.  I installed an alternator on mine.  I used a 
Nippon-Denzo (1985 Toyota Tercel) one wire alternator.  Toyota calles it the 
high speed alternator.  Good for 6,000 RPM +.  I use one on my MGB vintage 

Rod Schweiger

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