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Re: New tow vehicle help

Subject: Re: New tow vehicle help
From: Derek Harling <>
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 18:26:47 -0500
Don't tell me - I know - tell the list - [I've copied them on this reply].

109 vs 127 wb is personal. I like the 109 because its my daily driver as well 
and its sooo
easy to park etc - shorter than a minivan, shorter than most cars - and no 
adverse effect on towing stability - and still has LLottts of space inside even 
5-passenger configuration.

What I like best of all is looking down my aquiline nose at all the little 
people on the
road in their cars and minivans and even most pickups. By the way - vans are 
easier to get
in and out then pickups - ffaarr easier than 4x4 pickups.

Derek wrote:

> I'll echo Derek's comment...
> << No brainer - Dodge Ram Wagon SLT 1500 109" wb - 318 [5.2L] 4ATX. >>
> The best all-purpose tow'ers I've used have been full size vans.  The regular
> body versions have tons of space & tow well.  Of the 2 Dodge, 2 Chevy, and 1
> Ford, my Dodge vans have been the best for towing  and had the smallest hit
> in gas mileage when the trailer is along for the ride.
> Ken Payne

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