A couple folks have reported difficulty accessing the pictures from AOL,
maybe because the URL is too long. If that's the case, try the following:
1. browse to http://www.photopoint.com
2. enter rsnover@ix.netcom.com in the "View Member's Albums" e-mail address
field and hit the "Go!" button
3. select the "VARA Tech, 1/15/00" album link
That oughtta work.
At 05:18 PM 1/17/2000 -0800, Rick Snover wrote:
>I snapped a few digital pics on Saturday, almost exclusively British cars.
>They're viewable at:
>Rick Snover, IT Department
>Toy Shop Restorations, Bonita, CA
Rick Snover, IT Department
Toy Shop Restorations, Bonita, CA