In a message dated 00-01-15 16:43:12 EST, you write:
<< ake pedal position and travel are marginal.
There's something wrong with the acc position on the TR-4A. It's too
high and needs to be readjusted. Also the brake pedal travel is excessive.
I agree that a pressure modulated brake pedal is far superior to the usual
position modulated approach.... >>
I couldn't get the heel and toe thing even close until I took a three day
class at Russell Racing School at Sears Point Raceway last summer. The
instructors spent one complete day drilling on the heel & toe down shift,
which is it seems the only way to downshift a Huland(sp) gearbox. The actual
heel and toe downshift is an instanious motion and is only performed under
heavy braking and is about impossible to perform in normal street driving.
You just aren't going fast enough to require that much braking.
What I really found was when I got into my MGB vintage racecar and tried the
technique I had learned in racing school, was that the pedals in my car
needed serious modification for me to do a heel and toe downshift. I
modified the gas pedal and made a much larger pedal out of aluminum and also
a foot rest for my left foot. The results are that I can perform the
technique, but not as well as I can in say a Formula Ford. I also have to
use the instep or side of my right foot to blip the throttle and at the end
of a race weekend my right food is very sore.
Sorry for the rambelings but I wanted you to know you are not alone on this.
Now I'm preparing myself for flaming.
Rod Schweiger
MGB driver with sore right foot.