Daniel Thompson wrote:
> Fred Crowley wrote:
> >
> > Question for any VARACers on the list. Does anyone know the dates
> > of a vintage event(s) at Mt Tremblant this year?
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Fred Crowley
> Organizing events at Mt. Tremblant over the last few years has been a
> hit-and-miss proposition at best. There was a joint VARAC-VSCCA event
> that was supposed to be in late Sept. but ended up being re-scheduled a
> week later and combined with a production/formula ford weekend. There
> are some photos on the VSCCA web site.
> Impossible to know at this time if there will be one in 2000. Best to
> stay in contact with VARAC and VSCCA thru their websites (or stay in
> touch with me). VARAC also has their own mailing list.
> On a related note, the track is in the process of being sold. If the
> sale goes thru (a big IF at this point) the new owner is vintage
> friendly and wants to organize a "Goodwood of North America" type event.
> He is a Ferrari fanatic.
> In the meantime it is business as usual, which means the track continues
> to fall to pieces without any attempt to repair it. I understand that
> Jim Russell will continue to offer courses in 2000.
> We have all been collectively holding our breath and hoping we do not
> lose what is arguably one of the most beautiful, challenging, scenic,
> and historic tracks in all of North America.
> Say a prayer for us!
> Daniel Thompson
> Montreal
Mr Thomson
Le Circuit Mont-Tremblant was officially sold on December 23.
Lawrence Stroll, the new owner, has been on vacation since and is due to
return any day.
It is said that he will redo the track. Will it be in the spring or in the
I have looked in our past vintage entries and do not see your name.
We have organised several vintage races but because of the heavy schedule in
the northern US and the rental commitment of Le Circuit, we could not find a
suitable date.
Despite the hard work of Dick Fryberger of VSCCA and Mike Rosen of VARAC,
the events were not successful. The track lost money on all but the last
VSCCA was going to rent the track in early October of 1999 but when they
could not get enough entries, we moved the race to a previously scheduled
event with Production, Pro Ford and Jim Russell F2000.
I have received favorable comments from the vintage people for that race.
Please M. Thompson, if you do not know what is going on, do not ask the
vintage people to communicate with you.
For your information, I have been involved in every race at Mont Tremblant
since 1983.
By the way, we are presently working with VSCCA for a race in 2000.
Claude Giroux