A quick search was able to find these sizes of "TD's" avail, although not all
of them have the TD in their description????
For what its worth...
No I still haven't bought tires for the Duke yet...
Nick of Nor Cal
Tire Size Tread Width Approx Diam Approx Circ Design Rim Section Width Price
165/70-10 HOOSIER T.D. 5.2" 18.8" 59.0" 5.5" 7.3" $110.00
A70-13 HOOSIER T.D. 6.2" 22.4" 70.3" 5" 7.5" $87.00
5.00-13 VINTAGE 7.0" 22.9" 72.0" 6" 8.7" $130.00
5.50-13 VINTAGE 8.0" 23.0" 72.5" 6" 9.2" $135.00
5.00-15 VINTAGE 5.2" 24.7" 77.6" 4" 7.0" $159.00
5.50-15 VINTAGE 6.5" 24.7" 77.6" 4.5" 7.7" $167.00
26.5X9.5,5-15 HOOSIER T.D. 9.5" 26.6" 83.5" 8-10" 11.0" $147.00