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Re: Brake system flush

To: "Larry Hoy" <>, "MG List" <>,
Subject: Re: Brake system flush
From: "Greg Solow" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 23:10:31 -0700
We use Castrol Girling GT LMA brake fluid with great success.  Its cost is
much more reasonable than the AP 550 and it has less of a propensity to
absorbe water so doesn't have to be flushed quite as often.  We change it
every 2'nd event or so as oppossed to the recommended after every session
that is recommended with the AP  fluid.
Greg Solow
----- Original Message -----
From: Larry Hoy <>
To: MG List <>; vintage-race@Autox. Team. Net
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 1999 10:26 AM
Subject: Brake system flush

> I am redoing the brakes on my 1967 MGB vintage race car.  I have been
> advised that it would be a good idea to flush my brake fluid.
> I will be changing the type of fluid I am using, the old fluid is an
> "unknown" and probably a mixture of many fluids.  The new fluid is AP 550.
> While it is not necessary to flush the system it has been recommended to
> that I do.
> Since the cost of the new replacement fluid is so great, is there a way to
> flush the system without wasting the new fluid?  Or do I just keep moving
> fluid through the system until I believe most of the old fluid has been
> replaced by the new fluid?
> Thanks in advance.
> Larry Hoy

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