In a message dated 99-08-16 23:54:52 EDT, you write:
Any of you MGB racers have a "perfect" location for the traditional
through-bonnet retaining pins? Photos I've seen seem to put them in & up by
about 4 inches from each corner.
Norm Sippel
'66 B
I put the "through-bonnet retaining pins" on my MGB - only positive way of
keeping the hood closed on the track. I located mine aprox 7 3/8" from the
front edge of the hood and 3 3/4" from the side of the hood. This way the
pins attach to the wide sheet metal of the body where the factory hood lock
is located. I also made up retainer cables out ot 1/8" plastic coated cable
and crimps so that the retaining pins didn't get lost. I got the pins and
plates etc. as a kit from Racer Wholesale.
Good luck,
Rod Schweiger
'64 MGB Sebring Coupe