> In a message dated 6/27/99 7:57:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << V8 Lotus Cortina, never heard of
> such a beast, can you shed any light? >>
> They exist....not sure how "official" they are. Supposedly Carrol Shelby and
> Colin Chapin had a chat about it over a pint and one got built....could be a
> wives tale??? I suspect some privateer got the idea and just built one.
Speedvision was showing the installment of their "Legends of Motorsport"
series dealing with the 1967 BRSCC season last night. There certainly
seemed to be a couple of V8-powered Cortinas in evidence at Brands
Hatch, and possibly a ditto-powered Anglia or two, mixed in with the
Alan Mann "Fahhhlcons", Mins, and TC Cortinas. None of these strange V8
beasts seemed to make much of a dent in Grime Heel and his Twincam
Cortina, however.
Bart Brown