I usually don't repost letters that people send me
This was mailed to me today for publication in VARAC's
newsletter, The Vintage Racer.
It's not too late to enter.
As a quick note, the reference to the silly date is
caused by our change from the 1st weekend in June to
the July 2-4 weekend which was caused HSR scheduling
their Watkins Glen event for that weekend which would
have eliminated the participation of the MG Vintage
Mike Rosen
06/02/ 1999
Mike Rosen
The Editor
Vintage Racer
2647 young St
Ont. M4P 2H6
The Second American Invasion
Bill McShane is quite right. I was in Savannah talking
up a storm about Mosport and apart from the rather
silly date, which precludes everyone but the fanatics,
you are going to be invaded, again.
How could anyone resist running as often as you like on
Friday, nearly twice as much track time in Sat and
Sunday for half the usual money?
And what a track it is. One reads the hype by people
like Burt Levy who is in the hype business tempered by
Carol Smith who certainly is not and you are still a
bit skeptical. It’s all true.
John Greenwood told me some years ago that I would be
tired of driving by Sunday. Yeah right John, I thought.
Also true.
In addition, one can not leave out the Canucks who run
this event. They are laid back and friendly. Not on the
track mind you, they are competitive as hell.
So I will be back with a great number of reinforcements
and we are all looking forward to it.
Jeff Schur
55 Shore Road
Old Greenwich, CT