Interesting Webpage, brought to our attention courtesy of my techie ISP:
URL: The Snell Memorial Foundation
Those of us who are safety-conscious probably can't imagine biking
or skating without our helmets, and one of the reasons we can rely
on these helmets for protection is because of the Snell Memorial
The foundation is named after William "Pete" Snell. According to...
...he "was a popular sports car racer who was killed in an unfortunate,
avoidable auto accident in 1956. He died of massive head injuries when
the auto racing helmet he was wearing failed to protect his head."
The homepage, located at...
We Don't Make Helmets, We Make Them Safer.
The Snell Memorial Foundation is a not-for-profit organization
dedicated to research, education, testing and development of helmet
safety standards. Since its founding in 1957, Snell has been a leader
in the frontier of helmet safety in the United States and around the
Jim Hayes Winchester, MA, USA
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!