"Seek ye the company of older women. They are so grateful."
--- Benjamin Franklin
Jack W Drews wrote:
> RodsINTOMG@aol.com wrote:
> >
> >
> > This sounds like my dream retirement home. Why is it when you finally get
> > the stuff you think you want, you croak?
> >
> > Rod Schweiger,
> > Thinking of retireing someday
> The problem is that youth comes at the wrong end of life.
> One solution to this is for young men to marry rich older women. That
> way the man has the money he needs to do fun stuff, and the woman is
> romanced by a young man. Then when the woman passes on, the older man
> marries a younger woman, who....well, you get the idea.
> Don't tell my wife I said any of this, OK?