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Shop lights...Suggestions???

Subject: Shop lights...Suggestions???
From: Jim Isbell <>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 13:29:51 -0600
I have finaly gotten moved into the new house with the nice underground 8
car garage.

The garage was built in 1965 as a bomb shelter and the walls, floors and
cieling are 10" thick reinforced concrete with steel plate about 1/2" under
the surface.

I am trying to install some flourecent lights on the cieling but even a
masonry bit will only go 1/2" into the stuff before it craters.  I dont
know if it is atomic bomb proof, but it sure is drill proof.

Does anyone know of an epoxy or some type of glue that I could glue some
hangers to the surface of the concrete ceiling to hang my 12 lb. lights

                                Jim Isbell

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